According to this tweet posted just yesterday, McGee has reaffirmed that his sister is still missing. In an attempt to speed up the process of possibly finding her, the family has now turned to crowdfunding to help build up the money required to continue paying their private investigator. According to the GoFundMe page:

An update on the page also states the following:

For those who do not know, American McGee suspects a GamerGate opponent of kidnapping his sister. These suspicions arise from multiple posts by a single GamerGate naysayer who harassed McGee with threatening messages involving his sister. American McGee has been a long-time supporter of GamerGate - if only at arm’s length.

In more recent tweets, McGee has praised GamerGaters for their efforts in helping him find his sister while simultaneously attacking others for doing nothing.

So far, GamerGate members, family, and friends seem to be the bulk of the donations to McGee’s GoFundMe page. At of the time of writing, the fund has reached $3,000 of its $5,000 goal in just 6 days. If you would like to help American McGee’s mother search for his missing sister, you can donate money to the cause via the GoFundMe page.