She is the fifth lady to serve on the court. Amy was named by President Donald Trump and has served since October 27, 2020. Picture Credits: Twitter Amy Coney Barrett Age

Amy Coney Barrett is 50 years of age starting at 2022. Amy Coney Barrett Political Party Amy’s ideological group is obscure.

Amy Coney Barrett Young Amy Coney was a leader proofreader of the Notre Dame Law Review and graduated in 1997 positioned first in her group with a Juris Doctor summa cum laude.

Amy Coney Barrett Qualifications Barrett finished St. Mary’s Dominican High School, in New Orleans in 1990. She moved on from Rhodes College with a Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude in 1994.

Amy got a Juris Doctor summa cum laude from the Notre Dame Law School in 1997. Amy Coney Barrett Salary As a partner judge, Amy Coney Barrett’s yearly base compensation is $209,100.

Amy Coney Barrett Conservative College of Virginia regulation teachers Joshua Fischman and Kevin Cope examined in excess of 1,700 cases that the seventh Circuit has heard since Barrett joined the court in 2017, including 378 where Barrett cast a vote,1 and as indicated by their investigation, Barrett is essential for a bunch of moderate appointed authorities at the furthest right edge of the seventh Circuit.

Barrett is especially moderate on social liberties issues.