Both also participated in the hugely popular Mr. Plinkett reviews of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. 

Last week, I reached out to Rich and Jack for an exclusive interview, to which they graciously agreed. Within, they discuss the origins of Previously Recorded, their best (and worst) experiences on the show, and much more:

Jared Elliott: How did Previously Recorded get started?

JE: What has been your favorite episode to record?

JE: What is the worst experience you’ve had with a game that you played for the show? The best?

JE: What is your process when reviewing a game? How long does the review process take?

JE: Do you still enjoy playing games as much as you did before starting Previously Recorded?

JE: You’ve reviewed quite a few indie titles on the show. How do you feel about the current state of indie games in general?

JE: What are your favorite games? What’s great about them?

Though with the over use of things like Kickstarter, early access, and consumer beta testing we’re seeing a lot of half finished games. The up-side is we’re seeing games that might not have been made without these tools.

RE: I am replaying the Thief games now, which I love for their slow and tight stealth gameplay mixed with impressive world building.

JP: I’m obsessed with Overwatch at the moment because of its great characters, good balance, and the constant challenge of online multiplayer.

JE: If you could apply any game mechanic to real life, what would it be?

JE: What can fans of the show look forward to soon?

JE: Any final thoughts for our readers?

We can’t give too much away about #ProjectHornet, but it’ll either be a mild success or a HUGE failure, so either way you’ll want to watch.

To catch up with the latest gaming streams and reviews, follow Previously Recorded on Youtube and Twitter (@PreviouslyRec). Special thanks to Rich Evans, Jack Packard, and Red Letter Media for making this interview possible!