Recently, the masked emcee has been conducting more and more live question and answer sessions, giving more fans the opportunity to interact with him as he learns more about a galaxy far, far away – and explores the intricacies of what makes it tick. 

Star Wars gaming may very well be on hold until EA Play in a few weeks, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t lingering questions from each and every Star Wars fan: Where are all the Star Wars games? To find out HelloGreedo’s take, we recently sat down with him for an hour long.

you can read the transcript provided below or watch the following video to see what he had to say. 

Next In Star Wars Gaming 

When we asked HelloGreedo what EA and other game studios making Star Wars video games should do with the franchise, HelloGreedo said he’d love to see a return to more unique and open worlds. Although something that’s typically found in RPGs like The Elder Scrolls Series, world building is often an overlooked and under-developed aspect of many Star Wars games on the market today. 

Of course, most gamers want expansion options, but many are often concerned that the progress of Star Wars gaming will be held back by EA (and their notorious decision-making process). Currently, EA holds the exclusive rights to create Star Wars games. And while it so far seems that the universe will have an FPS focus for the short term and stay in EA’s hands, much to the ire of many SW fans, HelloGreedo doesn’t understand the disdain for the company and the work they’ve done.  

Moving away from large developers, we asked if indie developers should get a piece of Star Wars pie. Greedo agreed, saying that indie gaming is one places Star Wars should go.

What Should Be in Battlefront 2 and What Shouldn’t

Battlefront 2 is already shaping up to be a lot better than the current Battlefront, and HelloGreedo agreed that there’s room for improvement in the new installment of the series – like most SW gamers believe. We asked what should be in the next game, but more importantly, how should EA Dice balance what launch and DLC content.

Moving forward with the idea of performing a content balancing act, we asked HelloGreedo about the “3 times larger” reveal from EA’s last earnings.  While a big proposition to make, HelloGreedo felt the earnings call wasn’t the best time to release that information.

 Longevity of the Game and VR for Star Wars

An important focus of the new Battlefront game is this: Will players continue to play it long after release? HG agreed that increasing longevity was essential to the sequel’s success. 

With all the customization and features of the new game, we asked about the game’s new characters and what really excited Greedo about it from a macro perspective. More importantly than the game’s features, we asked about the possibility of virtual reality in Star Wars gaming.

Final Thoughts and Quickfire

We also asked HelloGreedo about what should be left out of the new Battlefront, and although he agrees there are some things to move away from, it doesn’t mean that Greedo wants to scrap it all.

Afterward, we moved into some quick questions that rounded out our talk. While we thought they were fun, Greedo warned that he isn’t good at this sort of thing.

GS: If you had to redo A New Hope, who would shoot first?

GS: Which do you prefer, old Luke or young Luke

GS: If you had to live in one trilogy era – the original trilogy, prequels, or sequels – which would it be?

GS: If you had to be another Star Wars YouTuber, who would it be?

GS: If only one can exist for the rest of Star Wars who would it be: Jedi or the Rebellion?

From all of us at GameSkinny we want to extend a thank you to HelloGreedo for taking the time to speak with us. And remember, the full interview is available on YouTube (with a link at the top of the page).

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