From that point forward, Andy Meddick is serving his nation as a creature Justice Party individual from the Victorian Legislative Council. He is the main government official chosen in Victoria to address the Western Victoria Region in a creature assurance stage. Prior to filling in as MP for the Animal Justice Party, he worked in development as a crane administrator.

As of late, his little girl Kielan Meddick has been assaulted and harmed, which we will talk about in the passages underneath. And furthermore find out with regards to MP Andy Meddick’s family.

MP Andy Meddick has a little family comprising of him, his significant other, and his children. As per his Twitter account, he is a spouse, a dad to his two LGBTQI kids, two canines, and three felines.

Indeed, after the whole count including, his pets, the family isn’t tiny. In spite of knowing the individuals from his family, there is no data with respect to their personality on the Internet. However, data in regards to one of his little girls is accessible, who just got assaulted and hospitalized.

Find out about her in the following section. Indeed, Andy Meddick’s little girl, Kielan Meddick, was assaulted for being “excessively political” by a her down man Melbourne road. The evening of November 18, the man tossed a shower can at her head and left her draining on Smith Street in Fitzroy.

She shared an Instagram story wherein she portrayed the entire story. “I began draining a ton as I continued to run until I came to The 86. They shut and locked the entryways and regarded my injury decently well,” she said.

After the episode, she was hospitalized for her wounds and later sent home to recuperate. A profound cut remaining parts on her head which required three lines and paste to treat. Be that as it may, at last, after this large number of risks, she is back home. Twitter and Facebook accounts.