With nearly 99% funding (at time of writing) and only a few days left to go, the first stretch goal for Anew has been added to its campaign page.

The stretch goal is for $35,000, surpassing the funding goal by $5,000, and includes (but is not limited to) expanded localization, speed run features, minigames, a new area as well as a new mechanic, boss, weapon, vehicle, and last but not least, “Nintendo Switch feasibility research”. 

The team is merely making the promise that reaching this goal will give them the ability to look into making a port of the game for the Switch. It is a promise that they will do everything they can, but they cannot guarantee it.

If you’d like to see a more in-depth discussion on our impressions on the game, you can read about our expanded first impressions of Anew.

Anew: The Distant Light has three days left before it’s Kickstarter has concluded, and you can view the page as well as the stretch goal update on Kickstarter.